donderdag 8 april 2010

Another face of Coco

A year after the first Chanel movie with Aurdey Toutou, Anna Mouglalls plays Gabrielle in a whole different way and area. This movie is more about her lovelife and her passionate love affair with the Russian Igor Stravinsky. She's married with the filthy rich Boy Capel, but she's totally in love with Stravinsky. Of course also in this film it's amazing to look at the clothing and surroundings, Karl Lagerfeld himself made a fantastic new dress in the original vision of Madame Coco Chanel herself.

Stop and Dance

This video is created by Diesel's Creative Team is collaboration with Anomaly and the French art-director Arno Salters. Thanks to the special stop-motion-technique, the musiclovers and the clothing can change every second, while their choreography and the music are still rolling. The video is a interactive, you can stop it every minute and look at every piece of clothing you want and find it Diesel's online store.

dinsdag 30 maart 2010

Back to the Future

'The first pictures of Amsterdam 1845-1875' is the new exhibition of The Stadsarchief Amsterdam. This exhibition is the result of many years of research of Amsterdam photos in the late 19th century, this is the first time that the 'new medium' photography and topography were linked to each other in this way.

Nowhere is Rock 'n Roll

One of the biggest bands of last decennium was by far The Beatles, now the famed director Sam Taylor-Wood made a movie out of the story behind this famous band, Nowhere Boy. It's the autobiographic story about John Lennon, about love, family, music and friendship. He tries to escape from the secrets of his family and finally he finds his way in rock 'n roll.

zaterdag 27 maart 2010

In Bed With McQueen

The dead are stil alive, especially when they were genius and worldbreaking talented. In June Alexander McQueen (aka Gareth Pugh) will release an underwear and sleepwear collection for men. Signature design details include stulls on the waistband of boxers and allover prints of feathers, X-rays and bones. Which he also used extensively in his last men's runway collection in milan last January.


A second album is always hard, especially when your first album called Oracular Spectacular and sold over a million copies worldwide. But MGMT managed the pressure and belivered another wicked album full of crazy, psychedelic, funny and weird tones and good lyrics. This Sunday they give an intimate and secret concert in Melkweg, where they will play their new album Congratulations.

dinsdag 23 maart 2010

D&G made longevity into legend

In the new issue of VMan Dolce&Gabbana were celebrated because of their milestone 20th anniversary. Because of that they mixed and matched al the clothes of their previous collections together into one phenomenal shoot. Since 1990 the designer duo made the men muscular and wild again, with their rough and forceful clothing.